Do you usually make New Year’s Resolutions, set goals for yourself and/or do create a vision board?
I’m not a “resolutions” person per se, however, I do like to set goals and work towards them.
Each year, I write down each goal by category, then I set monthly and weekly milestones for each of them.
For example: my goal for TRAVEL is to go on 5 trips and do 7 NYC staycations.
My milestone for each month is: either 1 trip or 1 staycation.
This way, I not only have a “dream”; I can actually create an “action plan” to fulfill that dream. I write down WHAT I have to do for each trip/staycation (choose a destination, look at my calendar and see when I can take some time off or plan a shorter getaway, make a list of locations I’d want to visit) and WHEN I’m doing it (i.e. every weekend I’ll spend two hour to collect all infos, reach out to hotels/locations and manage my work schedule).
Having monthly, weekly and sometimes daily milestones, makes everything easier: everything is possible!
Now… I also create a vision board (here’s my desktop version).

Each year I spend the last week of December collecting words and images that evokes mood and vibes of what I want to create for myself the following year.
I search pictures by key-words on Google and Pinterest and I save my favorites one on a folder. I might even spend 3 hours looking for the “right” images, and I usually go for categories: travel, fitness, wellness, nutrition, blogging, love, family, friends… The next day, I’d go through each photo: if it speaks to me and gives me good vibes, if it inspires me, I’d keep it, otherwise I’d delete it. And then I’d look for more images again. I’d do this for few days before being happy with the “final collection”.
I then print my top 30 images and I choose some of them to create my own vision board on a Bulletin Cork Board – so I can pin and move images around whenever I feel like it.
This year, besides creating a paper version and a phone/computer screen saver version, I also created a 6 sec video.
I watch the video each morning while I wait for my coffee (it’s all about habits) and it really empowers me watching it when things are not going as I’d like them to.
When I shared all if this in my IG stories, you asked me if I could share the video with you, to give you a better sense of what I’m talking, so I made a reel for you:
You may notice that all the images (total of 40) are running very fast: the idea behind, is not to focus on the details of what you exactly want, rather to the feelings/vibes/mood you’ll get from watching them. It’s a little like a brainstorming sequence of what makes you happy and inspired.
Hope this post will support you if you choose to set your own goals/milestones and make your vision board!
Please, share yours if you feel like it. I’d be so happy to see it!!!
Also, feel free to use mine if it inspires you as well, you can save it on IG and watch it any time you’d like.
HAPPY 2022!!!