Originally posted in 2012 on my Italian blog – Updated in 2023.
Who doesn’t like a pillow fight party?! Even better: a pillow fight party with hundreds of people in the heart of NYU!!!
When : Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 3 to 5pm.
Where: Washington Square Park
The International Pillow Day is happening in different cities of the world, and you can see all NYC details on www.facebook.com/events/3351344965080726
The event is free and open to all.
You can easily sleep till late, and leave your house in your pajamas … just remember to bring your pillow with you 😜
Here some rules to participate:
* Only soft pillows are allowed (it’s a friendly event)- preferably made of synthetic material to avoid spreading feathers everywhere
* be mindful of your elbows: have fun without hurting anyone
* be careful while hitting those who wear glasses or to those who are taking photos and/or videos: do not “attack” those “unarmed”
* wait for the starting signal before initiating the pillow fight!
* don’t leave your pillows on the spot after the event is over. Throw your pillows in one of the available box.
* pajamas are more than welcome!
Few years ago, I brought my parents to the event: they REALLY enjoyed fighting – LOL!
We also had a delighted afternoon as we met Chelsea (read her story here).